Angularで「Can't bind to 'target' since it isn't a known property of 'div'」エラーを解決する方法


Angularで「Can't bind to 'target' since it isn't a known property of 'div'」エラーの原因と解決策


Angularテンプレート内で <div> 要素に target 属性をバインドしようとすると、「Can't bind to 'target' since it isn't a known property of 'div'」というエラーが発生します。これは、target 属性が <div> 要素のネイティブ属性ではないためです。


  • target 属性は <a> 要素などの特定の要素にのみネイティブでサポートされています。
  • <div> 要素に target 属性をバインドしようとするのは、Angularがサポートしていない動作となります。


  1. 別の属性を使用する:
  • <div> 要素に target 属性の機能を代替する属性を使用します。例:
    • routerLink 属性: ルーティングを行う場合
    • href 属性: 外部リンクを作成する場合
    • (click) イベントハンドラー: クリック時の処理を定義する場合
  1. カスタムディレクティブを作成する:
  • target 属性の機能を再現するカスタムディレクティブを作成します。
  • カスタムディレクティブは、<div> 要素にバインドできる独自の属性を提供します。


<div [routerLink]="'/path/to/route'">リンクテキスト</div>

<div [href]="''">リンクテキスト</div>

<div (click)="onClick()">リンクテキスト</div>
// target ディレクティブを作成する
  selector: '[target]',
export class TargetDirective {
  @Input() target: string;

  constructor(private elementRef: ElementRef<HTMLElement>) {}

  ngOnInit() {
    this.elementRef.nativeElement.addEventListener('click', (event) => {
      window.location.href =;

// テンプレートで target ディレクティブを使用する
<div target="">リンクテキスト</div>


  • 上記はあくまで例であり、状況に応じて適切な解決策を選択してください。
  • Angular のドキュメントやコミュニティリソースを活用して、より詳細な情報や解決策を得ることができます。
  • 本回答は、日本語で分かりやすく説明することを目的としています。技術的な詳細や専門用語は省略している場合があります。
  • 本回答は、2024年5月10日時点の情報に基づいています。

Sure, here is an example of how to create a custom directive to handle the target attribute on a <div> element:

// target ディレクティブを作成する
  selector: '[target]',
export class TargetDirective {
  @Input() target: string;

  constructor(private elementRef: ElementRef<HTMLElement>) {}

  ngOnInit() {
    this.elementRef.nativeElement.addEventListener('click', (event) => {
      window.location.href =;

// テンプレートで target ディレクティブを使用する
<div target="">リンクテキスト</div>


Define the Directive

The TargetDirective class defines the custom directive that will handle the target attribute on <div> elements.

  • @Directive({ selector: '[target]' }): This decorator marks the class as an Angular directive and specifies the CSS selector [target]. This means that the directive will be applied to any <div> element with the target attribute.

Inject ElementRef

The elementRef property is injected into the directive's constructor using dependency injection. This provides access to the host element, which is the <div> element to which the directive is applied.

Implement ngOnInit()

The ngOnInit() lifecycle hook is called when the directive is initialized. This is where we add the event listener to the host element.

  • this.elementRef.nativeElement.addEventListener('click', (event) => {...}): This adds a click event listener to the host element. When the element is clicked, the callback function will be executed.

Handle Click Event

The callback function retrieves the target attribute value from the directive's target input property and sets it as the href attribute of the window object. This causes the browser to navigate to the specified URL when the element is clicked.

Use the Directive in the Template

In the HTML template, apply the target directive to the <div> element that you want to make clickable. Set the target attribute to the URL you want to link to.

Benefits of Using a Custom Directive

Using a custom directive for the target attribute offers several benefits:

  • Encapsulation: Keeps the logic for handling target clicks separate from the component template, making the code more organized and maintainable.
  • Reusability: The directive can be reused in multiple components, reducing code duplication and promoting consistent behavior.
  • Testability: The directive can be easily tested in isolation, making it easier to ensure its correct functionality.

Alternative Approaches

While creating a custom directive is a flexible and reusable solution, there are alternative approaches for handling target clicks:

The choice of approach depends on the specific requirements and context of the application.

Other Approaches to Handle target Attribute in Angular

Besides using a custom directive as presented in the previous response, there are alternative methods to handle the target attribute functionality on <div> elements in Angular:

Using routerLink for Navigation:

For scenarios involving navigation within the Angular application, the routerLink directive is the recommended approach. It provides a declarative way to handle routing between components and ensures proper integration with Angular's routing mechanism.

<div routerLink="/path/to/route">Link Text</div>

Utilizing (click) Event Binding for Custom Actions:

In cases where you need to perform custom actions or handle external links, the (click) event binding offers a more direct approach. This involves defining a method in the component's TypeScript file to handle the click event and perform the desired actions.

<div (click)="handleClick()">Link Text</div>

// Component TypeScript
handleClick() {
  // Perform custom action or redirect to external URL
  window.location.href = '';

Leveraging ngTemplateOutlet for Dynamic Content:

For situations where the content to be rendered depends on the target attribute value, consider using the ngTemplateOutlet directive in conjunction with a custom directive or component. This allows for dynamic content rendering based on the target URL.

<div [ngTemplateOutlet]="targetTemplate">Link Text</div>

// Component TypeScript
  selector: '[targetTemplate]',
export class TargetTemplateComponent {
  @Input() target: string;

  constructor(private templateRef: TemplateRef<HTMLElement>) {}

  ngOnInit() {
    // Create dynamic content based on
    const context = { target: };

Choosing the Right Approach:

  • Navigation vs. Custom Actions: If the goal is simply routing within the Angular app, use routerLink. For custom actions or external links, use (click).
  • Dynamic Content: If content needs to be dynamically generated based on the target URL, consider ngTemplateOutlet.
  • Code Organization and Reusability: Evaluate the need for code organization and reusability. Custom directives can promote modularity and code reuse.

Remember, the best approach aligns with the specific needs and goals of the project.



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