

TypeScript でタプル型を表すインターフェースの書き方



interface Point {
  x: number;
  y: number;

この例では、Point という名前のインターフェースを定義しています。このインターフェースは、xy という 2 つのプロパティを持ち、どちらも数値型であることを示しています。


const point: Point = [10, 20];

このコードは、point という変数に、x が 10、y が 20 の座標を表すタプル型を代入しています。



  • 再利用性: 定義したインターフェースを他の場所で再利用できます。
  • コードの可読性: インターフェースにより、タプル型の構造が明確になり、コードを読んだ方が理解しやすくなります。
  • 型安全性: コンパイラが型チェックを行い、誤った型の値が代入されるのを防ぎます。
  • 異なる型の要素を持つタプル型インターフェース
interface Person {
  name: string;
  age: number;

interface Product {
  id: number;
  price: number;

type Purchase = [Person, Product];

const purchase: Purchase = [
  { name: 'Taro', age: 30 },
  { id: 1, price: 1000 }
interface Address {
  street: string;
  city?: string;
  country?: string;

type ContactInfo = [string, string, Address];

const contactInfo: ContactInfo = ['山田太郎', '[email protected]', { street: '青山1丁目1-1' }];

TypeScript において、インターフェースを用いることで、タプル型を明確かつ安全に表現することができます。可読性と再利用性を向上させるためにも、積極的に活用していきましょう。

Sample Code for TypeScript Tuple Type Interfaces

Defining a Tuple Type Interface for RGB Color Values

interface RGBColor {
  red: number;
  green: number;
  blue: number;

const myColor: RGBColor = { red: 255, green: 0, blue: 0 };

In this example, an interface named RGBColor is defined to represent RGB color values. It consists of three properties: red, green, and blue, all of which are of type number. The myColor variable is then declared and assigned an RGB color value using the RGBColor interface.

Creating a Tuple Type Interface for Employee Records

interface EmployeeRecord {
  id: number;
  name: string;
  department: string;
  salary: number;

const employeeData: EmployeeRecord[] = [
  { id: 1, name: 'John Doe', department: 'Engineering', salary: 50000 },
  { id: 2, name: 'Jane Smith', department: 'Marketing', salary: 42000 },
  { id: 3, name: 'Peter Jones', department: 'Sales', salary: 60000 },

Here, an interface named EmployeeRecord is created to represent employee records. It includes properties for id, name, department, and salary, with their respective types specified. The employeeData variable is an array of EmployeeRecord objects, each representing an individual employee's data.

Utilizing a Tuple Type Interface for Response Status

interface ResponseStatus {
  code: number;
  message: string;

const apiResponse: ResponseStatus = { code: 200, message: 'Success' };

function handleResponse(response: ResponseStatus) {
  if (response.code === 200) {
    console.log('Request successful:', response.message);
  } else {
    console.error('Request failed:', response.message);


This example defines an interface ResponseStatus to represent API response statuses. It has two properties: code (a number) and message (a string). The apiResponse variable holds a response status object. The handleResponse function takes a ResponseStatus object as input and checks the code property to determine the response outcome.

interface ProductDetails {
  name: string;
  price: number;
  stock: number;
  [key: string]: any; // Optional additional properties

const product: ProductDetails = {
  name: 'Laptop',
  price: 1200,
  stock: 10,
  brand: 'Acme',
  model: 'X120',

In this code, an interface ProductDetails is created to represent product information. It includes mandatory properties for name, price, and stock, all with specific types. The [key: string]: any syntax allows for optional additional properties, accessible using bracket notation (e.g., product.brand, product.model).

Alternative Approaches to Representing Tuple Types in TypeScript

Using Type Aliases

Type aliases offer a concise way to create new type names for existing types, including tuple types. For instance:

type PointAlias = [number, number];

const point: PointAlias = [10, 20];

Here, PointAlias is defined as an alias for the tuple type [number, number]. The point variable is then declared using the PointAlias type.

Leveraging Generic Type Parameters

Generic type parameters enable the creation of reusable type definitions that can work with different data types. For tuple types:

function createPoint<T extends number>(x: T, y: T): [T, T] {
  return [x, y];

const point1 = createPoint(10, 20); // Point1: [number, number]
const point2 = createPoint('hello', 'world'); // Point2: [string, string]

The createPoint function takes two generic type parameters T and returns a tuple of the same type. This allows creating points with different numeric or string types.

Utilizing Array Type with Type Annotations

In some cases, using a standard array type with type annotations can suffice for simple tuple representations:

const point: [number, number] = [10, 20];

Here, the point variable is declared as an array with the type annotation [number, number], explicitly specifying the tuple structure.

Employing Template Literals for Type Inference

Template literals can be used along with type annotations to infer tuple types from literal values:

const point = [10, 20] as [number, number];

This code creates a point variable with the tuple type [number, number] inferred from the literal value [10, 20].

Choosing the Right Approach

The choice between these methods depends on the specific context and requirements. Interfaces offer the most flexibility and type safety, while type aliases provide conciseness. Generic types are suitable for reusable components, and array types with annotations work well for simple cases. Template literals can be helpful for type inference.


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この場合、以下の 2 つの方法で実現することができます。上記の例では、value が 1 または 3 の場合、console. log("値は 1 または 3 です"); が実行されます。同様に、value が 2 または 4 の場合、console

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